UPDATE!! HERE ARE SOME PICS FROM AN AMAZING DAY!!! I can't begin to do it justice to describe it, but I'll say this: These teens walked into an unknown situation, some had to deal with massive changes of plans, all were doing things that were WAY outside their comfort zones, and they came through like you would not believe! They cooked, served, and cleaned up after dinner, and had conversations with the people they were serving! My mind was blown! ENJOY THE PICS AND JOIN US NEXT TIME!
Folks, I haven't been this pumped about anything in a long time! This school year is gonna be different from anything we've ever seen.
In Matthew 25, Jesus talks about six different needs that we are called to meet. He even puts himself in the place of those in these needs. He says when we feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, clothe the naked, take in the stranger, and visit those who are sick and in prison that we do these things for Him. That's pretty powerful stuff. It speaks to what matters most to Jesus.
We're going to spend this school year reaching out to each of these people. There are so many different ways we'll serve over the next 7 months. Here's the basic breakdown..
- September has been spent brainstorming with the teens ideas on how to meet the needs of the hungry, thirsty and naked.
- We'll then spend October, November, and December meeting those needs through all manner of service projects.
- We'll take January as another brainstorming month, coming up with ideas to serve the stranger, the sick, and the imprisoned.
- Then February, March, and April will be spent meeting those needs.
Like I said, I can't wait to see where this road takes us! We already know God has our back on this. Keep watching for more info as we come into the next few months!
In October we'll be focusing on feeding the hungry. We have two main efforts on the table.
- On Sunday October 14, we'll be going to both the Fayetteville and Bentonville Salvation Army locations and preparing and serving a meal to the poor and homeless. WE CAN ONLY FIT 8-10 AT EACH LOCATION, so please sign up for that outside my office. This will be from 4:00 - 6:00, and we'll meet at the church building at 3 to head in both directions.
- Also, all throughout the month of October, we'll be gathering soup cans (in all sorts of creative ways) for the Samaritan House. You'll be hearing more about these creative ways over the next week. We've also invited other youth groups to help us in this effort. This will go to feed hungry families all through the winter.
Keep checking back here for more info as we get closer to these things! THANK YOU FOR JOINING US IN MEETING THESE NEEDS IN THE NWA!