Thursday, January 13, 2011


***PLEASE NOTE:  The deadline to pay is Sunday, January 23.  Please pay Keith Whitehead.  THANK YOU!***

Hello RAVE families!

I'm so excited about the Winter Retreat!  This will be my first weekend trip here, and I can't wait.  Here's the low down..

THEME:  ONE(1)  It's based on the verse Romans 12:5.
WHO:  ALL youth groupers, JR. and SR. High
WHAT:  This is a weekend long trip away from the distractions of every day life.  It's a chance for our teens to really focus on the things that are important.  This particular retreat will focus on how God wants us to be close as a youth group and as a church so we can encourage and inspire each other on our faith journeys.  I'm really excited about the plans, and I really want to encourage everybody to come.  We're going to come back with a whole new outlook on youth group life.
WHEN:  January 28-30.  We'll leave around 5:30 on Friday, and return around lunch time on Sunday.
WHERE:  Tulakogee Retreat Center
HOW MUCH:  $40** covers it all (meals, lodging, shirt, etc.) Please pay Keith ASAP so we can get the business end of things taken care of!
WHAT DO THEY BRING:  Warm clothes, BIBLE, a few pens or pencils, games/sports equipment, BEDDING (sheets or sleeping bag, pillow, etc.)

I know we had several gone last night due to the Springdale/Har ber game, but here's who has signed up so far.  IF YOUR TEEN WAS NOT THERE AND YOU WANT TO SIGN THEM UP, or if they are signed up and can't go, please email me and I will update the list.

Asencio, Kristina
Bradley, Kevin
Couch, Lara
Crawley, Shelby
Davis, Kaitlyn
Dill, Tabitha
Embry, Leslie
Franklin, Noah
Gadberry, Hayden
Hankins, Elizabeth
Haskins, Grant
Haskins, Madison
Hood, Hannah
Holroyd, Katie
Holroyd, Stephen
Hughes, Morgan
Kinne, Ashley
Kinne, Elizabeth
Mayes, Jared
McCain, Hailey
McCain, Jessica
McCain, Taylor
McCain, Zac
McClure, Caleb
McClure, Chase
Pardun, Lindsay
Parker, Lindsey
Passmore, Chandler
Poulos, Josh
Tejada, Manny
Toon, Dylan
Townley, Payne
Ussery, Sarah
Valentine, Macy
Whitehead, Saxon
Wilson, Sean
Young, Sarah

**If cost is a problem, talk to me privately and we WILL work it out.  NOBODY misses a trip over money.

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