Tuesday, March 1, 2011

3 Phases of Building the Youth Group in 2011

Plans are being made, folks.  But there are two kinds of plans.  There are the plans we make for events we take, times to leave, where to stop and eat, and there are the plans that resound more like the ones God talks about in Jeremiah 29:11.  I would like to take a minute and talk about those kinds of plans.  Here's a vision-explanation.  You need to know about where we're going, and perhaps even gain some insight on where we've been.  And of course, we welcome any thoughts you have on any of this stuff.  It's time to think BIG picture.

You may wonder why we are doing certain things (like spending a TON of time bonding with people that we've already spent years with), and not doing certain other things (like sharing our faith or focusing on bringing friends).  Here's the nutshell: first things first.  I sincerely and firmly believe that things need to be done in a certain order, so that when we get to certain things, we'll be ready.  Prepared.

Before we get to things like reaching out to each others, sharing our faith, serving others, and DEFINITELY before we start focusing on bringing others into what we have, we've got to dig into bonding with each other.  One teen recently said, "I think what's going on is that we just don't talk to each other about 'things'".  People can (very easily) be around each other for years, attending the same events, sitting in the same classroom, without really knowing each other. 

We've been spending a LOT of time getting to know each other...even getting to know people that they've "known" for years.  They're finding out things they've never known about each other.  They're finding out that people have gone through the exact same things they have.  They're finding out that they're not alone in a crowded room. 

In that process, they're telling each other how much they love each other in spite of the things that they've done, in spite of their fears, and in spite of the things that have happened to them.

In THAT process, they're finding that they don't to hide things from each other in the fear of being judged.

And in THAT process, they become closer, respect each other, and suddenly have this completely safe place to belong.  They can witness the love of Christ in action, going out and coming in.  This phase paves the way for phase 2...

In this phase, we go after those who have been there, but have gone other directions.  We go after the people we miss.  We go after the ones we used to see when we walked in the room, but that aren't here anymore.  

We lay no guilt trips.  Instead, we offer acceptance.

We demand no explanations.  Instead, we offer a listening ear, when people choose to tell their story.

"Why", you may ask, "would this not be the first phase?  Is it not that urgent??"  Make no mistake, it is urgent.  However, we have to go through phase 1 first, because when we get these people back in the door, they need to see the safe, forgiving, loving, accepting place that will make them feel welcome.  They desperately need to know that whatever kept them away for so long is not going to be held against them.  They need to know, in spite of their fears, that they will not be judged (Matt 7). 

So, then we finally come to phase 3.  We reach out to our friends and bring them into the family we've established.  We offer them the same welcome, the same love and forgiveness and acceptance that Christ offered the woman caught in adultery (John 8).  We'll talk more about phase 3 as we get closer to it, but we'll mention this now:  We're not just going to invite the masses to events and call that outreach.  We will do that, but lives are changed by discipleship, which is a one to one thing.  This is why we absolutely have to wait until we go through phases 1 and 2 before we start focusing on phase 3.  Once we make it through the first two, we will keep the people we reach out to in phase 3.

So, where are we in this process?  We're still in phase 1, and we will stay with certain elements forever.  But as of the posting of this blog, we're just diving into phase 2.  We're writing letters to people we miss. We're about to start a Big Brothers & Sisters program within the group.  We're letting people know they matter to us, the same way they matter to God, no matter where they've been (Luke 15).

It's hard to say when we'll move into phase 3.  We just have to keep a watchful eye on the climate as we go through phase 2.  We will spend as long as phase 2 as we need to.  They are our first priority.

We will get there.  God will grow this group.  EVERYTHING is intentional.   There is purpose in EVERYTHING. God is moving, people.  Things are happening!  Your trust, support, and prayers will be ESSENTIAL, so thank you so much!  Buckle up, 'cause here we go...

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