Good Monday All,
This coming Friday night, we're going to have a great night to kick off the warmer season! We're going to have a night of chilling out and coming together as a group to reconnect over some healthy hot dogs and s'mores. (This will be in place of the the "Spring Formal" you have on your calendars! When I "polled the audience" on that one, they said they would rather skip the formal dinner and skip straight to the chilling out together afterward, so I figured I wouldn't hear any complaints from parents about saving $30)
WHO? Any youth in the youth group, 7th - 12th Grade
WHAT? Camping out for the guys, and camping out (separate locale of course) OR slumber partying inside for the girls. Roasting weinies and marshmallows over a bonfire, as well. Games, etc., but mostly just some chilled out, bonding time.
WHEN? Friday night, April 15, 7:00 PM until Saturday morning, April 16, 9:00 AM. We will need to arrive and leave directly to/from the McClures' house. There will not be a van going/coming.
WHERE? The home of Aldea and Curtis McClure (3215 Eupiel Lane, Springdale)
HOW MUCH? $0.00
WHAT DO THEY BRING? Sleeping bags, bedding, pillows, etc. I would recommend NOT trying to get a bunch of showers at their house, so no need for all the shower stuff. Showering is for wimpies anyway. WE DO NEED AS MANY TENTS AS WE CAN, SO PLEASE LET THEM BRING THAT IF YOU HAVE ONE. If anyone would like to send some snacks or hot dogs/buns/mallows, etc. please let me know early in the week. It would be GREATLY appreciated!!
It's gonna be a good time, so I hope everyone can make it!!
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