Folks, there are a LOT of new things going on with this youth group that are worth everybody getting really excited about!! There will be more detailed info on these things as we go, but here are a few bullets to spark the interest..
We're trying out a new Wednesday night schedule as well. Each month we'll go through 4 different, very special nights.
1st Wednesday: LOL (Labor Of Love) We're going to go out into the community and serve in ways that will allow them to act out what we talk about. We'll do things like sing to shut ins, visit nursing homes, and various other acts of service. We'll take a bus and be sure to be back by 8:00. (We'll also get shirts for this, starting this next Wednesday!)
2nd Wednesday: JOINT WORSHIP WITH HISPANIC TEENS On these nights, we've invited the teens from our hispanic congregation to join us and break down barriers. We'll worship together and get to know how much we have in common.
3rd Wednesday: SING A NEW SONG We'll be taking these nights to just worship and pray. No other agenda but to praise God. We'll specifically be taking advantage of the chance to learn 3 or 4 new songs each month and bring them into our regular repertoire. So in a year we will have learned nearly 50 new songs!
4th Wednesday: SENIOR-LEAD DEVO I'm really excited about this one as well. Pretty self explanatory. Each month the Seniors will get together and plan worship for the rest of the crew. I'm so pumped about this chance for them to lead.
Seniors (12th graders) will be meeting this Sunday night at the Hughes' home for the first of ongoing Life Group style meetings. We will be coming together like this to build unity and leadership within that specific group so they can rise up to their amazing potential.
We're hosting our first Sunday Night Live in a couple years on Sunday night, October 9. I'm very excited about having at least 200 area teens here to worship with us! Among other things, we're going to have a performance by Harding's drama team THEATRON! They're going to bring biblical lessons to our teens through the art of drama.
We'll soon be re-imagining our Big Brothers Big Sisters program! This has the potential to be one of the most lastingly powerful things we do. We're working on restructuring some of it to make as meaningful as it possibly can be.
Tuesdonuts! Beginning this Tuesday morning, I'll be at Olde Tyme donuts at 8:00 for any teens that would like to start their day out right! Friends, donuts, encouraging fellowship. What better way to start the day?
There are so many exciting things on the table, folks. This is just the tip of the iceberg! Thank you so much for your support, and PLEASE STAY IN PRAYER FOR OUR TEENS!!
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