Tuesday, November 8, 2011


PURPOSE:  To give each teen the opportunity to create, build, and rebuild relationships with other teens their age or one year above or below, while having meaningful conversations about spiritual topics, typically be the same as the ones discussed in other life groups.

OCCURRENCE:  One Sunday night per month, during the school year.  They will typically be held after evening services.

AGES INVOLVED:  There will be 3 groups.  There will be a slight difference between the fall semester and spring semester of each year. 
FALL:  One for 7th and 8th  grades, one for 9th, 10th, and 11th, and one for 12th
SPRING:  The 11th grade would join the 12th grade group
This change will allow the Seniors to have one semester to get their heads together and discuss how to lead the rest of the group.  Then when the Juniors join after New Years, they can help them make the transition more easily from their Junior to Senior years.

We will hopefully be starting these up at the first of the year, which I am VERY excited about!  Great things are on the horizon!

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