Christeens time is here!!
Christeens is one of the best events of the year! (Since his move to Russellville, Jake Greer, formerly the youth minister at Center Street, is now in charge of it) It's a wonderful weekend of worship, bonding with each other, amazing speakers, teachers, and worship leaders, and TONS of fun! We stay in a host home (ours loves us so much, they've asked for us for 3 years running!) for free, and have wonderful devos at night with them. As youth rallies go, you won't find a whole lot out there that's better than Christeens! So here's the rundown..
WHAT? A weekend youth rally with over 1000 other teens from all over AR and the mid south
WHEN? March 4-6, leaving Rob Ave. at 5:00 on Friday, having already eaten (Snacks will be provided at the host home that night.)
WHERE? Russellville, AR, at the PAC of Russellville High School
WHAT DO I BRING? Your own sleeping stuff (sheets or sleeping bag) and pillow, ALL of your bathroom stuff, BIBLE, warm clothes, and money to eat lunch and dinner on Saturday. You CAN bring money for venders at the event, IF you want to. (They sell shirts, hats, etc. with Christian themes.)
Check out the schedule below!
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